Friday, June 15, 2012

Art and Science

Art and Science

As an art student, I'm pretty well aware how much resources us artists consume in a weekly basisillustration boards, papers, and when me make mistakes, more papers. I have observed that being in the field of advertising makes me consume more of those resources than that of those who are in the field of painting for a simple error in a print or design means reprinting again. But despite of that fact, almost of all us artists are also aware what's happening to our environment and that we should maintain and preserve it.

I've been in a college of Fine Arts in the University of Santo Tomas for more than 2 years now, and we've come across different courses, organizations, and activities concerning about our environment. Now in my third year in college, we're going to concentrate on that topic with Earth Science as one of our courses. This course, basically, is all about the study of Earth and its surroundings but the students and the professors, as artists, are going to deal more than just that.

We aim to consume less, but maximize the usage of the resources we consume. Furthermore, we also try to recycle these materials so that it wouldn't contribute to Earth's pollution. It's a win-win, for we lessen our planet's trouble (which is also ours), and at the same time, the resources we failed to use properly can be once again, be used without having to buy more materials.

And to whoever reads this blog, whether you are an artist or not, I'm hoping you do the same. When it comes to our environment, a problem of one will be a problem of us all, in the present and in the future.


  1. together lets help the earth! :) nice post! :)

  2. a delicately-worded work :)

  3. good job pao! :) useful facts

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. you clearly state the relation of advertising arts to earth science..good job

  6. "nd to whoever reads this blog, whether you are an artist or not, I'm hoping you do the same. " -- I will. :))) Nice blog! Thanks for sharing insights!

  7. Your concern with our environment is very touching. A rare trait that is slowly depleting in our generation... Mother Nature would be pleased to know that there are still people like you who cares.. <3

  8. Nice blog! Very convincing and informative. Makes you feel the importance of Earth Science and the Environment.

  9. Earth Science. I think your way of introducing it in this article of yours is very informative and helpful. Keep it up!
