Monday, July 2, 2012

Resources and Weathering


First, we start off with two main types of resources. The renewable resources, and the non-renewable resources.

Renewable Resources - these are the types of resources which replenish within a short period of time (could be days, weeks, months, years, or decades).

Solar Power - using the energy that comes from the sun.

Nuclear Fission - energies are produced in this process by uranium nuclei through the process of fission that emit neutrons and heat energy.

Wind Strength - wind energy is produced by using the technology of huge mechanical fans that generates energy/electricity when activated by a certain strength of the wind.

Hydroelectric Power - in this method, energy is generated with the use of turbines that are placed under falling waters like waterfalls. The rate of energy produced depends on the strength of the flowing water.

Geothermal Energy - it is harnessed by tapping natural underground reservoirs of steam and hot water.

Tidal Power - energy in this method is harnessed by constructing a dam across the mouth of a bay or an estuary in coastal areas. Energy is generated like in the hydroelectric process but is more concentrated on tides.

Non-Renewable Resources - these, on the other hand, are the types of resources which takes millions of years in order to form and/or accumulate.

• Fossil Fuels - these are hydrocarbons that may be used as fuel, including coal, oil, and natural gas.

• Tar Sands and Oil Shale - these are fuels that could be possible substitutes for dwindling petroleum supplies.

• Non-Metallic Mineral Resources - these resources are processed for their physical or chemical value.


Basically, weathering is the breaking down of rocks, soil, and minerals.

There are two types of weathering:

Mechanical Weathering - it occurs when physical forces break rock into smaller and smaller pieces without changing the rock's mineral composition.

• Frost Wedging - the mechanical break-up of rock caused by the expansion of freezing water in cracks and crevices.

• Unloading - reduced pressure on igneous rock causes it to expand and allows slabs of outer rock to break off in layers in a process called exfoliation.

• Biological Activity - the activity of organisms, including plants, burrowing animals, and humans, can also cause mechanical weathering.

Chemical Weathering - is the transformation of rock into one or more new compounds.

Differential Weathering (Rate of Weathering) - is caused by variations in composition. It also creates an an unusual and spectacular rock formations and landforms.

Factors that affect the rate of weathering:

1. Rock Characteristics
→ Mineral composition and solubility
→ Physical features such a joints

2. Climate
→ Temperature and moisture are the most crucial factors.
→ Chemical weathering is most effective in areas with high temperatures and abundant moisture.

Soil - it is part of the regolith that supports the growth of plants.

Soil's Four Major Components:
• Mineral Matter
• Water
• Air

Soil Texture - refers to the proportions of different particle sizes.
• Sand (large)
• Clay (small)
Loam - mixture of the three above which is best suited for plant life.

Types of Soil
1. Pedalfer - best developed under forest vegetation
2. Pedocal - accumulates calcium carbonate and associates with drier grasslands
3. Laterite - hot, wet, tropical climates and experiences chemical weathering

Checked by Prof. Crisencio M. Paner

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Rocks and Minerals

 (photo from:
Rocks and Minerals


Rocks are naturally occurring solid aggregate of minerals and/or mineraloids. The Earth's outer solid layer, the lithosphere, is made of rock. The study or rocks is called petrology, which is an essential component in geology.

Three Major Groups of Rock

Igneous Rock - formed through the cooling and solidification of magma or lava.



Sedimentary Rock - formed by the deposition of material at the Earth's surface and within bodies of water.

Metamorphic Rock - arises from the transformation of the two other types of rocks in a process called metamorphism.


Minerals are also naturally occurring solid chemical substance formed through bio-geochemical processes, having characteristic chemical composition, highly ordered atomic structure, and specific physical properties.

Common Physical Properties of Minerals:

1. Crystal Structure and Habit - the orderly geometric spatial arrangement of atoms
2. Hardness - the physical hardness of a mineral
3. Luster - the way a mineral's surface interacts with light
4. Diaphaneity - describes how well light passes through a mineral
5. Color - indicates the appearance of the mineral in reflected light
6. Streak - refers to the color of the powder a mineral leaves
7. Cleavage - the way a mineral may split apart along various planes
8. Fracture - describes how a mineral breaks
9. Specific Gravity - relates the mineral mass to the density of the material.

Chemical Properties (Groups) of Minerals:

1. Silicate Class - by far, the largest group of minerals which are largely composed of silicon and oxygen.

Rose Quartz

2. Carbonate Class - consist of minerals containing calcite and aragonite, dolomite, and siderite.



3. Oxide Class - minerals in this class consist oxide anion is bounded to one or more metal ions.


4. Halide Class - the class which include these minerals with a dominant halide anion.


5. Sulfide and Sulfate Class - Sulfide consist pyrite and Sulfate consist of sulfate ion.


6. Natural Elements - includes native metals and intermetallic elements, semi-metals, and non-metals.



Checked by: Professor Crisencio M. Paner

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Mr. Crisencio M. Paner - The Painting Doctor

By the way, I am also guided by my professor as I write in this blog. Here is his
Curriculum Vitae as of June 3, 2012.

( )

CP : 0915-1429675                                                             Email :                                                                                                         

Glimpse of Crisencio Paner:


        Ph.D. in Biological Science (candidate)
University of Santo Tomas, Graduate School
  • M.S. Microbiology
University of Santo Tomas
      Thesis: “Chemical Control of Fungi Infesting Easel Oil Paintings at
                   University of Santo Tomas Museum of Arts and Sciences”
      Published in: Prime Journal of Microbiology Research
  • Italian Scholarship Grant
Restoration and Conservation of Artworks Attacked by Biological Agents
Istituto Centrale Per Il Restauro, Rome, Italy (January 1-June 30, 2004)

  • B.S. Biochemistry
University of Santo Tomas

  • Professional Teaching Certification Program (Major in Biological Science)
Caloocan City Polytechnic College


  Co-author in LET Reviewer in Biology, 2006-2010 eds. Published by MET Inc.
                          ISBN # 97193249-6-1, sold in National Bookstores                                                                                                                 
  • Understanding Museum Pests: The Molds. CFAD Atelier Journal, University of  Santo Tomas, Vol. 2 No. 1, 2003-2004, pp. 80-83
  • On the Conservation of 20th Century Color Photographs Attacked by Molds. CFAD Atelier Journal, UST., Vol. 2 No. 1, 2003-2004, pp. 106-113
  • Witnessing the Glory of Italy in Its Art History and Ancient Spaces. CFAD Atelier Journal, UST, Vol. 3 No. 1, 2004-2005, pp. 55-72 
  • _______________. Panorama Magazine, November 13, 2005, pp. 12, 13, & 21.
  • Deterioration of Paintings and Painting Components Caused by Microorganisms. CFAD Atelier Journal, UST., Vol. 3 No. 1, 2004-2005, pp. 91-94
  • Microbial Deterioration of Painting Materials. CFAD Atelier Journal, UST., Vol. 3 No. 1, 2004-2005, pp. 94-97.
  • Conservation of Paintings Attacked by Molds. In College Freshman English Book II. Agalabia, U., Aranda, R., et. al., pp. 124-125, UST Publishing House, 2004
  • Today’s Restoration Establishments.  CFAD Atelier Journal, UST., Vol. 4 & 5 No. 1, 2005-2006 & 2006-2007, pp. 95-99


·        Indoor Air Quality of Beato Angelico Building of the University of Santo Tomas -Commissioned by UST (Nov. 2009-May 2010)


1. (Money-Making Secrets)
2.   (Internet Marketing Secrets)
3.  (The Painting Doctor-“Restorer/Conservator”)
4.  (Research assistance/Thesis Assistance/Thesis Editing)
5. (LET Review by a LET Topnotcher and Veteran Reviewer)
6. (Lotto Secrets Revealed!)
7. (Muscle Building Cookbook)
8. (Wedding Photography Secrets)
9. (Food Cart Franchise Business)
10. (St. Peter Life Plan and Memorial Chapels)
11. ( Art and Craft Materials for Sale At Low Price!)
12. (Cleaning and Restoration of Paintings)
13.  (Natracare Food Supplements)
14. (LET Reviewer Books)
15. (How to Lose Weight Fast!)
16. ( How to Stop Hair Loss and Regrow It the Natural Way)
17.  (How to Get Pregnant Fast!)
18.  (Condo for Rent at 39K Infinity Tower, Global City, Taguig)
19.  (Licensure Exams for Teachers LET online review)
20.  (Internet Marketing Illuminati- How to Make Money Online Fast!)
21.  (Internet Millionaire Looking for Students!)
22.  (The Ultimate Diablo 3 Guide)


  • Instructor 5, CFAD, IPEA, Pharmacy, CTHM, University of Santo Tomas
SY 1995-Present
Subjects taught: Organic Chemistry lab., Statistics, College Algebra,
                           Algebra with Trigonometry, Business Math, Physics,
                          Plane & Solid Geometry, Environmental Science, Biology
  • Part Time Instructor, Our Lady of Perpetual Help College, Manila
Subjects taught: Food Microbiology (Lecture and Laboratory)                                                                                                         
  • Part Time Instructor, St. Paul’s College, Quezon City
Subjects taught: Lec. & Lab: General Microbiology, Biochemistry, Microtechnique

  • Part Time Instructor, Unciano Colleges and General Hospital, Inc., Manila
Subjects taught: Lec. & Lab: General Microbiology and Parasitology, Inorganic Chemistry,
                          Comparative Anatomy, Botany, Organic Chemistry, General Zoology,
                          Biology, Biochemistry


·         Editor and Professional Consultant, MET Publishing House, Manila
·         Microbiologist, Silver Swan Manufacturing Inc.,Panghulo, Malabon
·         Biochemist, Watercare Philippines, Inc., Valenzuela City
·         Food Production Researcher(Mushroom Culture), TWH, Inc., Cainta Rizal
·         Review Director for LET, Center for Educational Excellence, Inc.
·         Project Consultant on “Biodeterioration of Artworks”, Paper Conservation Laboratory, Archives Dept., Arzobispado de Manila
Projects: Conservation of paintings by Fernando Amorsolo, Botong Francisco,
               Ben Cab, Cezar Legaspi, Simon Flores, Betsy Westerndorp
·         Licensure Exams For Teachers (LET) Reviewer at:
- Malabon City University,MET Review Center, UST-College of Education, Caloocan   Polytechnic College, Trinity College, & Center for Educational Excellence Inc.


  • Beato  Angelico Service Award
  • 10th Placer (85.60%), Licensure Examinations for Teachers (LET)
  • Full College Scholarship by Lourdes Reyes Foundation
  • Professional Civil Service Examinations, weighted ave: 86.49%
  • Valedictorian, High School
  • Salutatorian, Elementary
  • Certificate of Appreciation as resource speaker on the topic “Visual Arts and Restorations”, Faculty-Student Art Forum, Beato Angelico Bldg.,UST.
  • Recognition Award for invaluable support and committed service to HARIBON UST as adviser from 2002-2004
  • Honored as 4th Degree(highest degree) member of the Knights of Columbus
 Given by Philippine District IV-NCR
·            Loyalty and Faithful Award for 13 years of Service
 Knights of Columbus UST- Faculty Council 4321
·            Dedicated and Competent Service Award as LET Reviewer
 Malabon City University                                                                                           
·            Champion, Pautakan Quiz Bee for Coaches, UST                                                          
·            Family of the Year Award
            Knights of Columbus UST Faculty Council 4321
·         UST Graduate School Thesis Writing Grant
  UST Graduate School Alumni Association
·         Certificate of Recognition for invaluable Contribution as Lecturer/Reviewer
 Pilot Project on Review Classes for Licensure Examinations for Teachers
 College of Education, UST                                                   
·      Certificate of Appreciation as guest speaker on the topic “Products that Cause Cancer”, given by NEWAYS International (Phils.), Makati City



  • Seminar on Test and Measurement Evaluation
  • Seminar on Principles/Philosophy of Education
·        Faculty Development Seminar
  • Traditional Filipino Art
  • Curriculum Development                                                
  • Rubrics Development Across Disciplines                                         
  • Certificate on Adobe Photoshop
  • Certificate on PC Troubleshooting and Networking
  • The Ethics of Teaching
  • Rights and Responsibilities of the Faculty Members, Academic and Administrative Officials and Office Staff Seminar                                                   
  • UST-CFAD Planning and Development Seminar
  • Shepherding the Shepherds
  • Workshop on Syllabus Construction                                                                        
  • Textbook and Learning Materials Development
  • Computer Literacy on Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, & MS Excel
  • Symposium on Waste Management
  • Ecological Symposium
  • Bringing Out the Best in Me and the Best in You
  • Integrating Media in Classroom Instruction( Design, Production, and Utilization of Media)
  • Principles and Methods of Humane Educators
  • Certificate on Basic Industrial Electronics
  • Certificate on Information Technology
  • Symposium on the Preservation of our Environment
·         Research Colloquia on Indoor Air and Water Quality in Relation to Building Design
·         Convention of Philippine Association of Academic Biochemists,          
  • 16th Annual Convention of Philippine Biochemical Society
  • Script Writing Workshop
  • Basic Business and Financial Management                                                             


  • Member, CFAD- Adhoc Committee on Math Department
  • Member, CFAD-Committee on Environmental Advocacy
  • Member, CFAD-Adhoc Committee on Value Formation
  • Board of Director
Philippine Association  for the Scientific Conservation of Cultural Properties   
  • Deputy Grand Knight, Knights of Columbus UST Faculty Council No. 4321
  • Auditor
College of Fine Arts & Design Faculty Association
  • Adviser, HARIBON UST
  • Business Manager, NOH-SCC Alumni Association
  • Member, Outreach Program Committee
College of Architecture and Fine Arts


English, Filipino, Italian, Japanese


  • Thesis Editing/Research Assistance
  • Computer operation using MS Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Adobe Photoshop, Internet
  • Computer Hardware repair and Software installations
  • Website/Blog Construction
  • Photography
  • Swimming
  • Playing Banduria
  • Singing
  • Riding ATV